MYP Chemistry Home Tutors


MYP Language Acquisition Home Tutor:

Acquiring an additional language and exploring and reflecting on the cultural perspectives of our own and other communities:

The aims of MYP Language Acquisition are to Encourage and Enable Students to:

  • Gain proficiency in an additional language while supporting maintenance of their mother tongue and cultural heritage
  • Develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguistic and cultural heritages
  • Develop the communication skills necessary for further language learning, and for study, work and leisure in a range of contexts


The objectives of MYP language acquisition encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and meta cognitive dimensions of knowledge. The student’s knowledge and understanding will be developed through:

  • Learning Language
  • Learning through Language
  • Learning about Language

Each language acquisition objective corresponds to one of four equally weighted assessment criteria. Each criterion has eight possible achievement levels (1–8), divided into four bands with unique descriptors that teachers use to make judgements about students’ work.

Teaching and learning in language B is organized into six phases. The phases represent a developmental continuum of additional language learning. Students may begin their language B course in any phase on the continuum and may exit from any phase on the continuum. Language B objectives are organized into four communicative processes:

 About Our MYP Tuition:

PAS Class IB MYP offers home tuition for IB all grades and for all subjects by specialists in most areas of Delhi NCR region. IB Home Tutor Services is the leading personal teaching program merely for IB Students. Our tutors have facilitated thousands of students to progress in their Great, increase their test scores.

 Objective A: Comprehending Spoken and Visual Text Based on the Phase, the Student is Expected to be Able to;

  • Listen for specific purposes and respond to show understanding
  • Interpret visual text that is presented with spoken text
  • Engage with the text by supporting opinion and personal response with evidence and examples from the text.

Objective B: Comprehending Written and Visual Text Based on the Phase, the Student is Expected to be Able to;

  • Read for specific purposes and respond to show understanding
  • Interpret visual text that is presented with written text
  • Engage with the text by supporting opinion and personal response with evidence and examples from the text.

Objective C: Communicating in Response to Spoken, Written and Visual Text Based on the Phase, Students are Expected to be Able to;

  • Interact and communicate in various situations
  • Express thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions and information in spoken and written form
  • Speak and write for specific purposes.

Objective D: Using Language in Spoken and Written form Based on the Phase, the Student is Expected to be Able to;

  • Organize thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions and information in spoken and written form
  • Develop accuracy when speaking and writing in the target language