Chapter 10:  Macroeconomic Objectives I: Low Unemployment, Low and Stable Rate of Inflation

Chapter 10: Macroeconomic Objectives I: Low Unemployment, Low and Stable Rate of Inflation

1: Explain why structural unemployment might occur in an economy. 2: Explain why a high rate of inflation may negatively affect both a country’s export competitiveness and the level of capital investment by firms. 3: Explain the cause of cyclical (demand-deficient) unemployment. 4: Discuss the view that the most significantRead More

Chapter 9: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Chapter 9: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

1: Using the concept of the multiplier, explain how an increase in investment might affect aggregate demand. 2: Explain the possible impact of an increase in wealth and consumer confidence on aggregate demand. 3: Examine why, in contrast to the monetarist/new classical model, the economy will not automatically return toRead More

Chapter 6: The Theory of the Firm I: Production, Costs, Revenues and Profit

Chapter 6: The Theory of the Firm I: Production, Costs, Revenues and Profit

1: Explain tow factors that might give rise to economics of scale for a firm. 2: Explain why some firms might choose the foal of profit maximization while others might choose to adopt satisficing behaviour. 3: Explain why firms may not always pursue the goal of profit maximization. Chapter 7:Read More

Economics Chapter 5 Market Failure

Economics Chapter 5 Market Failure

1: To what extent is advertising the most effective way of increasing the consumption of merit goods? 2: Explain how the overuse of common access resources can lead to negative externalities. 3: Discuss the view that the best way to reduce the threat to sustainability, arising from the burning ofRead More