Education is taken as more professional rather than an interest area. Parents are ready to pay requisite amount for the study of children, still, they are unable to find the efficient of respective tutor which is only focused towards career growth. Pas Class IB is a leader in providing IBRead More
Author: pasclassib
Chapter 11: Macroeconomic Objectives II: Economic Growth and Equity in the Distribution of Income
1: Explain the potential effects on the economic growth rate from substantial increase in the number of skilled people of working age entering a country. 2: Discuss the view that, apart from indicating economic growth rates over time, national income statistics are of little use. 3: Evaluate the view thatRead More
Chapter 10: Macroeconomic Objectives I: Low Unemployment, Low and Stable Rate of Inflation
1: Explain why structural unemployment might occur in an economy. 2: Explain why a high rate of inflation may negatively affect both a country’s export competitiveness and the level of capital investment by firms. 3: Explain the cause of cyclical (demand-deficient) unemployment. 4: Discuss the view that the most significantRead More
Chapter 9: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
1: Using the concept of the multiplier, explain how an increase in investment might affect aggregate demand. 2: Explain the possible impact of an increase in wealth and consumer confidence on aggregate demand. 3: Examine why, in contrast to the monetarist/new classical model, the economy will not automatically return toRead More
Chapter 8: The Level of Overall Economic Activity
1: Explain how changes in the size of the circular flow depend on the relative size of injections and leakages.