IGCSE Business Studies Online Tutors

Business Studies

IGCSE Business Studies Online Tutoring:

Our online IGCSE Business Studies tutoring help Students to find out how the major and minor categories of business organizations are established, financed and run and how their activities and process flow are controlled by the Managerial Bodies. Elements impelling and controlling business decision-making are also considered that they have the vital values of collaboration and interdependence.

Our IGCSE online tutoring assist Students not only to study business concepts and techniques but also develop related skills and knowledge such as mathematical ability and investigation. The course outline provides both a foundation for further study at a reputed Business School and a perfect preparation for the world of work flow.

Benefits of our IGCSE Business Studies Tutoring:

  • Our Online tutoring enables students to proceed directly to employment or to proceed to further study.
  • Our Team are familiar with changing syllabuses whichever IGCSE exam board syllabus student follows
  • Our Expert IGCSE Tutors with world class qualifications has been selected through our rigorous selection process and various screening procedures
  • Our team of specialized tutors has been selected through different states and from top colleges and Universities

Why Choose Pas Class

Our IGCSE Business Management online tutoring provides opportunities for Students to develop the following key skills in different levels:

  • Application of Number
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Working with others
  • Improving own learning and performance Information technology

How We Work:

  • Diagnostic tests analysis the subject proficiency of the students
  • Students go through a free demo session to understand our tutoring Process & methodology
  • Professional and Experienced tutors are assigned based on the level and preference of the student
  • Students and parent get access to student and parental portal easily
  • Worksheets and lesson plans are customized according to the need, pace and level of the student to get better grades.
  • Anywhere, Anytime learning 24/7, 365 days

Assessments Takes place at the end of the course assessing on written, oral, coursework and practical assignments. Grades are benchmarked by means of eight internationally recognized grades from A to G.

Topics Covered:

  • Understanding business activity
  • People in Business
  • Marketing
  • Operations Management
  • Financial information and decisions
  • External influence on business activity